Real Estate

Close that deal through an amazing CX journey.
With Loqal AI, manage all your client interactions across various platforms from our integrated, all-in-one dashboard.

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real estate competitors
Stay on top of all your competitors

Your clients are looking for local real estate agents and companies that are near them and who can understand their property requirements. With SEO optimized listings get noticed by your clients. Get them interested by providing maximum and accurate information about you. Take these visitors on your website and convert them into clients.

real estate client engagement
Engage instantly with your clients

With the feature of Live-Chat on your website, talk and clear queries of your clients related to real estate in a moment. Personalize or automate your replies, depending on your availability.

real estate reviews
Reviews build trust

As a real estate broker or real estate company you are masters of your field—make sure your clients know that too. Our platform makes it easy to gather feedback from your existing clients by providing feedback templates. Get reviews in your listings to build your legitimacy and reputation online.

real estate insights
Insights that drive sales

Investing in real estate is a big decision for your clients. As a property dealer, you give your clients accurate information and data to help them make a well-informed decision. Similarly, our AI-powered platform gets insights from reviews, feedback, and surveys to help you improve your services. Make your customer journey as seamless as possible with us.

real estate connected
Stay connected

Make sure your clients are not missing important deadlines and appointments by sending reminders through their preferred mode of communication.

real estate campaigns
Run campaigns and ads

Manage all your campaigns and advertisements from Our optimize AI-platform. Send offers to everyone in your database to stay engaged with your clients.

You are experts in real estate, we are experts in hyperlocal marketing.

Discover how Loqal AI can help you grow your business—today.

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